Design of User Experience

design of user experience is one of the most important factors to increase profit and spread in the business

Posted by otomtech on April 10, 2018

Definition of user experience

The visual interface is the general and external appearance of the business at the spatial or electronic level. It consists of several divisions, including the brand, the exterior decoration of the business center and the main colors of the business. And the emergence of business activity on the Internet with attractive visual interface.

The concept of visual interfaces is applied to all business and commercial activities whether products, restaurants, companies or information technology projects. Through the design of the visual interface and user experience, the development of business activity to meet the needs and desires of the consumer and developments surrounding it. It gives a high competitive advantage in front of other business competition.

Evolution of visual interface design concept

With the development of human behavior and cultural development, the traditional business has become incompatible with this development and the most prominent example of that is Nokia Mobile. Which did not keep pace with user development and competitive market development.

Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs are interested in the visual interface and the user experience because of its high impact and profitability. Every dollar invested in the design of the user interface and the visual interface comes back to $ 100 profit revenue.Whether the design is on a product, a website or a business.One example of the evolution of the visual interface is the development in the Google brand or the Samsung brand and its development to the behavior and desire of the user.

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By designing a user experience you build a successful mental image of your brand  

By optimizing the user experience for your business, you can draw and deepen a mental image of the brand in the minds of the public and compete more in the commercial market.

The mental image is deepened by:

Continuous development on the graphical and visual interface and improved user experience for the product or business.

Continued emergence in digital marketing processes and in the eyes of the audience and the target audience.

Emotional marketing based on the behavior of the target audience

Benefits of visual interface design and user experience:

The design of the visual interface is highly profitable for business and e-business activities. Most of the major companies have allocated an annual budget to develop their visual interface and users experience their products to keep pace with the development of customer behavior and competitive market.

Here are the main benefits of the user experience

Gain high profitability earnings compared to conventional or old methods in the visual interface of a business.

Human behavior is very concerned with the innovation and modernization of the general appearance of a business or product.

Know the needs and trends of the audience

Development of the trademark for the distribution and granting of franchises in other regions.

Examples of the evolution of the visual interface of some international companies

1-Apple Inc.

Apple brand evolution The evolution stages of the Apple brand

2- IBM Corporation.

Stages of IBM brand development Stages of IBM brand development

Now, through your simple knowledge of the importance of the visual interface of the business you want to go through this experience, you can visit some of the companies that provide this service, for example at otomtech provide the steps and full explanation to start developing the visual interface for your business and improve the user experience.